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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Long commutes and strange keyboards

As I travel back and forth to work each day, I am discovering what it is like to have a 1 hour commute each way.  While I am not stuck behind the wheel of a car, I have also discovered that trying to do any reading or writing on the bus makes me feel sick pretty quickly.  So the 2 hours I spend in transit every day doesn't help me get any work done.  It also leaves me little time for seeing much of Paris since by the time I get home, we are eating dinner and putting the girls to bed.  I have peered over the shoulder of one woman who appears to be preparing her thesis (or maybe just a journal paper) on her commute back and forth.  Every day, as she gets on the bus, she opens up her computer, fires up her LaTeX editor and fights with formatting issues to get everything just right.

Since I don't have any way to connect it (no WIFI) and I can't work on the bus,  I haven't even been taking my laptop to the office with me.  Instead, I get to work on a pretty substantial workstation with a ridiculously old OS - Mandriva 2006.  Mandriva seems to be a Linux distribution of choice since it is a French effort.  With only 2 weeks, I am worried about how much time I would lose trying to reimage the machine, so instead I end up working remotely on a colleague's machine down the hall.

And speaking of that.... All the keyboards here are French keyboards (what would you expect), which means they are nearly impossible for me to use.  I can remap the layout to a US layout, but then I have to rely on my muscle memory to know where the right keys are.  For some of the non-alphanumeric keys, this is definitely slowing me down.  Even more fun, though, is that I have set up a 1-click toggle between the US and French key-mappings so that when one of my French colleagues wants to take the helm we can easily switch.  About 50% of the time we forget to switch and get all kinds of interesting results.

Tomorrow will be a sombre day with France's loss tonight to Mexico!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling Paul! I've been programming for two weeks now on a Finnish/Swedish keyboard and those non-alphanumeric keys are a real pain. I really miss having the ; under my pinky, now I have to go searching for it every time I want to end a line in C or MATLAB. But it gets a bit eäsier everydåy, yöu'll get used tö it töö.
